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Imprimare pe vinil turnat

Imprimare pe vinil turnat

Cast vinyl printing uses high-quality cast vinyl that is flexible and durable. It is commonly used for vehicle wraps and complex surfaces due to its ability to conform to curves and irregular shapes. Cast vinyl printing offers excellent durability and color retention, making it ideal for long-term outdoor use.
Cutie pentru Design de Torturi

Cutie pentru Design de Torturi

Caixa em Cartolina Branca, ideal para bolos de cake design. Disponível em Quatro Tamanhos e com várias opções de altura: 20x20 cm - Altura Máxima: 27cm 26x26 cm - Altura Máxima: 29.5cm 30x30 cm - Altura Máxima: 29.5cm 33x33 cm
100 mL | Ulei Esențial de Lemongrass BIO - MAGAZIN

100 mL | Ulei Esențial de Lemongrass BIO - MAGAZIN

L'INCI (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients) de l'huile essentielle d'Eucalyptus Citronné est généralement répertorié comme suit :Eucalyptus Citriodora OilC'est la dénomination commune de cette huile essentielle dans les produits cosmétiques et les soins de la peau. Elle peut également être répertoriée sous le nom de "Huile Essentielle d'Eucalyptus Citronné" sur l'étiquette des produits. Veillez toujours à vérifier la liste des ingrédients sur les produits cosmétiques pour vous assurer de leur composition et de leur pureté. L'huile essentielle d'Eucalyptus Citronné Bio de Madagascar est extraite des feuilles de l'eucalyptus citronné (Eucalyptus citriodora) et est connue pour son parfum rafraîchissant et ses nombreux bienfaits pour la santé et le bien-être. Voici quelques-uns de ses bienfaits et utilisations courantes Partie utilisée:Feuilles Famille botanique:Myrtaceae
Sacoșe din hârtie Kraft pentru Supermarketuri - Cu mânere plate extrem de rezistente, poate transporta până la 20 Kg.

Sacoșe din hârtie Kraft pentru Supermarketuri - Cu mânere plate extrem de rezistente, poate transporta până la 20 Kg.

Aplicabilitate: utilizat în principal în supermarketuri. Producție: fabricat 100% automatizat cu aplicare controlată de adezivi industriali ecologici pe bază de apă, extrem de rezistenți. Personalizare: se pot imprima la cel mai inalt nivel de calitate în până la 10 culori liniare și/sau policrome, inclusiv cele speciale: auriu, argintiu metalic cu cerneala ecologica pe bază de apă. Rezoluția de imprimare poate ajunge cu ușurință la 300 dpi. Material: hârtie virgină albă sau kraft natur, sau cu un anumit procent de fibre reciclate, diverse grosimi (70-120 GSM), certificate FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001. Dimensiuni: producem de obicei zece dimensiuni care sunt „cele mai vândute” atât pe piețele UE, cât și pe cele din SUA. Dimensiunea cel mai frecvent solicitată este 320 x 160 x 400 mm, care este ideală și pentru livrarea alimentelor (Glovo, FoodPanda, Bolt, Sezamo, Tazz). Capacitate de producție: peste 100 de milioane de bucăți anual. Așteptăm cererea dumneavoastră!
Display POS de Lux - Display POS Elegant pentru Ochelari

Display POS de Lux - Display POS Elegant pentru Ochelari

Product Specifications: Construction: Sturdy frame made of high-quality materials, ensuring durability and stability. Lighting: Built-in LED spotlights that illuminate the products, highlighting their details and exclusivity. Shelves: Multiple horizontal shelves offering ample space for displaying eyewear. The shelves are easy to clean and scratch-resistant. Drawers: Spacious drawers at the bottom of the display, ideal for storing additional products or marketing materials. Finish: Smooth and elegant finish that is pleasant to touch and aesthetically pleasing. Interactive Elements: Built-in screen for displaying advertisements and multimedia. Modularity: Easy assembly and disassembly, facilitating transport and installation in various locations. Style: Minimalist and modern design, perfectly blending with luxurious store interiors. Height:200 cm Width:150 cm Depth:45 cm
Colecția Fashion Queens Pantofi - cu pantofi detașabili

Colecția Fashion Queens Pantofi - cu pantofi detașabili

Endless legs. Firmly planted on their feet and incredibly feminine, these FASHION QUEENS capture your attention the moment they step onto the scene. Their removable shoes make them the modern-day 'Cinderellas.'
Carne de cal cu cartofi - Carne de cal cu cartofi 400g

Carne de cal cu cartofi - Carne de cal cu cartofi 400g

Beckers Beste Pferdefleisch & Kartoffeln gebacken. Mit dem leichtverdaulichen und hypoallergenen Pferdefleisch entsteht eine bekömmliche und ausgewogene Vollnahrung nach dem single Meat Konzept. Diese eignet sich auch für sensible und allergische Hundemägen. Schonend nach traditoneller Steinofenart gebacken. Ohne Zucker und ohne künstliche Zusatzstoffe. Mit hochverdaulichen tierischen Proteinen zum Erhalt und Aufbau von Körpersubstanzen. Die wichtigen Vitamine und Mineralstoffe sind genau auf den Bedarf eines erwachsenen Hundes bei normaler Aktivität abgestimmt. Mit dem schmackhaften und leicht verdaulichen hypoallergenen Pferdefleisch entsteht eine bekömmliche und ausgewogene Vollnahrung für Ihren Vierbeiner. Der enthaltene Fleischanteil entstammt zu 100% vom Pferd. Diese getreidefreie Vollnahrung eignet sich auch für allergische und sensible Hunde und bei Ausschlussdiäten. Frischfleischanteil vor dem Trocknen ca. 53%. Die gebackene Krokette regt beim Fressen den Speichelfluss..
QUINOA BREADY - Amestec pentru Produse de Patiserie cu Quinoa

QUINOA BREADY - Amestec pentru Produse de Patiserie cu Quinoa

Semilavorato completo per la produzione di pane, panini e snack salati alla quinoa. Ottima fonte naturale di minerali e antiossidanti. Formato:10 kg Dosaggio:100%
Suport pentru coșuri Barcelona

Suport pentru coșuri Barcelona

El portacestas Barcelona es un elegante soporte metálico para apilar las cestas con ruedas modelo Barcelona (54 litros). Equipado con 4 ruedas giratorias de poliuretano, es muy útil para desplazar fácilmente la pila de cestas. Además, ayuda a mantener el orden en la tienda. Soporta tantas cestas como se quiera apilar. No obstante recomendamos no apilar más de las que una persona de estatura media pueda alcanzar. Peso 2.75 kg Dimensiones 54.5 x 46 x 38 cm


By using wood in our desinges we create elegant and modern racks and furniture.
Sac de Cumpărături din Fieltro - Saci din Fieltro

Sac de Cumpărături din Fieltro - Saci din Fieltro

We are prodcuing customized felt bags in Istanbul.
Set de Birou Sitil Trio OMT2-002, OMT2-003, OMT2-004

Set de Birou Sitil Trio OMT2-002, OMT2-003, OMT2-004

The Sitil Desk Set Trio provides a sleek and professional workspace solution that combines minimalism with functionality, making it ideal for modern office environments. This set includes three desk sizes with an integrated, matching drawer unit that keeps essentials organized and close at hand. The Sitil Desk Set Trio is designed with clean lines and a neutral black-and-white palette, allowing it to blend seamlessly with any office decor. Each desk is crafted with durable materials to withstand daily use, making it an excellent choice for high-performance work settings. The set offers flexibility with different desk dimensions, catering to diverse workspace requirements from individual focus areas to open-plan office setups. The accompanying drawer unit adds a convenient storage solution, ensuring a clutter-free workspace that enhances productivity.
Pungi de plastic cu mânere

Pungi de plastic cu mânere

Our plastic bags with handles are designed for convenience and durability. These bags are perfect for a variety of uses, from retail to catering, providing a reliable solution for your packaging needs. With options for customization, you can create bags that reflect your brand identity while ensuring functionality. Our plastic bags are resistant to tearing and moisture, making them ideal for transporting goods safely. Trust our expertise to deliver high-quality plastic bags that meet your business requirements.
Pâine cu condimente și miere

Pâine cu condimente și miere

Le pain d'épices au miel de Pocquet Apiculture est une spécialité artisanale qui allie tradition et saveurs authentiques. Préparé avec notre miel artisanal, ce pain d'épices est moelleux et parfumé, idéal pour accompagner vos moments de détente ou pour sublimer vos desserts. Sa texture fondante et son goût délicat en font un incontournable des amateurs de douceurs sucrées. En choisissant notre pain d'épices au miel, vous soutenez une production locale et respectueuse de l'environnement. Chaque tranche est une invitation à un voyage gustatif au cœur des Ardennes, où notre apiculteur passionné veille à la qualité de chaque ingrédient. Ce pain d'épices est parfait pour les fêtes, les goûters ou simplement pour se faire plaisir.
Hibiscus en vrac

Hibiscus en vrac

El hibisco a granel de Lord Spices Group es una flor aromática y versátil, perfecta para enriquecer sus platos y bebidas con un sabor único y vibrante. Con más de 100 años de experiencia en el mercado, ofrecemos hibisco de alta calidad, producido y distribuido al por mayor con un enfoque en la satisfacción del cliente. Nuestro hibisco es cuidadosamente empaquetado en diversos formatos, asegurando su frescura y calidad. Ideal para su uso en tés, infusiones y postres, el hibisco de Lord Spices Group es una adición exótica a su cocina.
Kandinsky Șorț

Kandinsky Șorț

Get cooking with our eco-friendly Kandinsky Apron, measuring 70×90 cm of recycled cotton comfort. With two front pockets for your essentials and recycled PU details for added style, this apron is a sustainable choice for any kitchen. Packed in a recycled cardboard box, the Kandinsky Apron combines functionality with eco-consciousness, making it a must-have for those who love to cook while caring for the planet.
Raft Picking LT50

Raft Picking LT50

Shelving Picking LT50 is a fully adjustable shelving system designed for warehouses where products are deposited and removed manually. This versatile system is adaptable to medium and light loads, making it ideal for various storage needs. By utilizing Shelving Picking LT50, warehouses can enhance their operational flexibility and improve the efficiency of their picking processes.
FC.17167 Raft elegant și modern din metal pentru baterii - Structură stabilă cu rafturi pentru echipamente de baie și bucătărie

FC.17167 Raft elegant și modern din metal pentru baterii - Structură stabilă cu rafturi pentru echipamente de baie și bucătărie

We present a metal battery rack that combines elegance, modernity and functionality. It is an ideal combination of colors and materials for displaying exclusive products. The rack features a minimalist design with simple lines and geometric shapes. The shelves are perfectly adapted to the product, ensuring their stability and safety. It allows for the display of a wide range of products, both batteries and shower heads. The whole is powder coated. On customer's request, it is possible to print the company logo on the rack. The rack can also be equipped with LED lighting, which will emphasize the presented products and give the rack a unique character. Shelves:Any quantity and size Material:metal, plexi, acrylic Dimensions:180x40x40 cm
Hârtie Kraft galben aurie pentru sacoșe de cumpărături și cutii din carton ondulat - Hârtie Kraft

Hârtie Kraft galben aurie pentru sacoșe de cumpărături și cutii din carton ondulat - Hârtie Kraft

"15""x20"" Marrón natural, 100 % reciclado Paquete de 480 hojas. Beneficios clave: Sostenible: nuestro rollo de papel marrón es tradicional, sin cera y sin revestimiento. Es el papel de regalo ideal cuando buscas un estilo puro y elegante. Suministros de arte para niños: el papel de regalo marrón es ideal para que los niños dibujen en papel, en cuadernos de dibujo o en proyectos de modelos de papel, modelos de papel para manualidades, origami, formas de papel recortadas y para tablones de anuncios. Embalaje y relleno de espacios vacíos: nuestro rollo de papel de regalo marrón también es ideal para embalar y proteger de forma segura objetos de valor al mudarse, almacenarlos y cualquier otra aplicación que implique papel. Multiusos: un rollo enorme de papel de regalo marrón tiene un sinfín de usos: se puede utilizar para manualidades, envoltura de regalos, decoración, envíos, revestimiento de suelos y revestimiento de mesas. Referencia:700
ATS Evolution Polar-silver - cele mai vândute jante 2024

ATS Evolution Polar-silver - cele mai vândute jante 2024

6,5 x 15 7,0 x 16 7,5 x 17 8,0 x 18 8,5 x 19 9,0 x 20 Diese verschiedenen Größen ermöglichen es, die ATS Evolution Felgen perfekt an Ihr Fahrzeug anzupassen, um sowohl die Optik als auch die Fahrleistung zu optimieren.
Crema de patiserie

Crema de patiserie

Crema pasticcera Cod:CRE02
Tote bag din bumbac personalizat - tote bag 100% bumbac

Tote bag din bumbac personalizat - tote bag 100% bumbac

Bag made from cotton fabric. Two handles at the top. can be cutomized. They are an alternative to plastic bags. Ideal for shopping, carrying books, the beach, etc.
Suport din lemn - Suport realizat din lemn

Suport din lemn - Suport realizat din lemn

Unser Holzständer ist ein wunderschön gearbeiteter Holzständer, der Eleganz und Funktionalität in Ihren Raum bringt. Ganz gleich, ob Sie Ihre Lieblingsbücher ausstellen, ein wertvolles Kunstwerk präsentieren oder Ihre Büroutensilien organisieren möchten, dieser Ständer ist die perfekte Lösung
Tub de molibden - Tuburi de molibden pentru cuptoare de înaltă temperatură disponibile:

Tub de molibden - Tuburi de molibden pentru cuptoare de înaltă temperatură disponibile:

Tubes made of molybdenum are available in the Plansee Online Shop. Tubes are available in different lengths and diameters from 0,381 up to 1,52 mm. Order fast and easily from the producer's online shop:
Sac de Cumpărături ECO AURA - Zero Deșeuri

Sac de Cumpărături ECO AURA - Zero Deșeuri

The average Slovak consumes 466 plastic bottles. And I don't mean for a lifetime. But in a year! Just for comparison, the Dane has only 4 pieces, so he needs more than a lifetime to match the Slovakian's one-year "infamous feat". However, we hope that you will help us reduce this cruel fact and start an ecological race. How to do it? Get a reusable shopping bag. Why "Aura"? Every living thing emits a certain energy. The authentic colors of the aura reflect our unique inner environment. The color green is primarily found in nature. It is therefore no surprise that people with a green aura have a very harmonious and balanced life. We hope you decide on a green aura. Just like your aura, you'll always have this bag with you. It is literally made to be reused! Therefore, don't forget to give it the reason for its creation: reuse it as often and for as long as possible. The "Aura" isn't going away anytime soon! With an extended bottom - to fit as much as possible :) Code:ZW-EA004 Status:New Product
Pungi din hârtie cu mânere din sfoară 15

Pungi din hârtie cu mânere din sfoară 15

Produktionsoptionen: Papier: Bristol, beschichtetes, weißes oder braunes Kraftpapier, zellstoffgefärbtes Papier Griff: Seil (PP, Baumwolle, Polyester), Band (Satin, Ripsband, Fischgrätmuster), handgemacht Druck: CMYK-Offsetdruck Veredelung: Matte oder glänzende Laminierung, Lack, geprägtes Logo, Prägung, teilweise UV-Lackierung Heißfolienprägung: Silber, Gold, Rose Verstärkung: Boden und Randumschlag innen verklebt Luxuriöse handgefertigte Papiertragetaschen; Mit vielen Arten von Seilen und Bändern ist es eine großartige Lösung, um für Ihre Marke zu werben, egal für welchen Sektor Sie sich interessieren, z. B. Bekleidung, Optik, Einkaufen, Bauwesen, Werbung, Marketing, Lebensmittel oder Getränke. Lassen Sie Ihre Marke in Händen um die Welt reisen!
Sac de bumbac personalizat cu imprimeu colorat en-gros - Sac cu șnur

Sac de bumbac personalizat cu imprimeu colorat en-gros - Sac cu șnur

Custom Bags made from 100% natural cotton fabric. Certified 100% organic cotton (in gsm): 80, 115, 150, 210, 310, 340. We follow the screen and digital printing on products. Fabric weight varies between 75GSM-680 GSM ( 2.5OZ -24OZ). Custom packaging for products is also available. Closer Type: Customizable Color: Customizable Logo: Accept Customized Logo Feature: 100% Eco-friendly Usage: Daily Place of Origin::West Bengal, India Color:Customized Closure Type:Open Main material:Cotton Model Number:STB001 MOQ:1000PCS Feature:Bio-degradable Keyword:String Bag Size:Customized Design:Accept Customized Design Custom Order:Accept
Sac de cumpărături 03 - Sac de cumpărături

Sac de cumpărături 03 - Sac de cumpărături

The reflective shopping bag is made from a 100 % reflective polyester material, which is used for the straps in warning vests. The bag is silver coloured during the day and at night it shines bright white in reflective light, thus protecting the pedestrian making them highly visible on the road. The reflective shopping bag is large and has long comfortable straps and a bottom. Weight: 180 g. This bag is perfect when carrying a lot. Order fulfillment time:7-10 working days Producer:Refloactive Stock:Available